Dear Brother and Sister Lowe :Sister Sperry and I are so happy to have your son, Elder Ethan Adams Lowe, with us in the Philippines Quezon City North Mission. He arrived safely, although somewhat weary. We are so saddened by the terrible tragedy he had to endure. Yet we have all been strengthened by the love and safety that Heavenly Father’s miracle has shown to all the Tacloban missionaries. As well, his strength and faith has been inspiring. We had the opportunity to meet with him and get acquainted. We were impressed with his testimony about serving the Lord through his mission.The people here in Quezon City will be blessed by Elder Lowe, as He continues to serve. His experiences in Tacloban will provide strength and leadership in our mission and we thank you for the privilege of having him here.He will have the privilege of changing the lives of many people as he teaches and takes them into the waters of baptism. His life, in turn, will also be changed forever through his experiences here. The success of his mission can only be determined by how well he has learned to love and serve the people.We have enclosed a picture taken upon Elder Lowe’s arrival. Please make an extra special effort to keep in contact with him through letters of encouragement and support. Please encourage your missionary to continue to be obedient to the mission rules. Being obedient to these rules will help ensure the spiritual and physical safety of your missionary. As you know, when missionaries receive letters in the mission field, it is the highlight of their week.For your information, Elder Lowe’s release date has been set for 02 Jul 2015, to coincide with the mission’s transfer day schedule. Please be assured that we will do our very best to make this a wonderful and fulfilling experience for him. Thank you for supporting him in this new assignment.Sincerely yours,President Dennis R. SperryPhilippines Quezon City North Mission

Monday, November 25, 2013
A letter from the Mission President
We haven't heard anything from Elder Lowe yet, but his parents wanted to share a letter they got from his new Mission President.
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