Pamilya! Komusta ka?
It's getting harder to know what to write in my emails. I learn different things everyday but the schedule is the same. My week is like clock work. There is always a place to be and a time to be there. I have to say that the part of the day I look forward to the most is gym time. After sitting in class and studying all day it's a good way to release tension. I do a cross fit work out everyday followed by an ab workout. I have only gained five pounds and all my pants still fit. (Ali - our bet still stands ;) ) the track/workout place on the top floor of 19 M has a window that has a perfect view of the windmills and when i look at them it's hard knowing that I'm so close.Fast Sunday was a really neat experience. The spirit is always strong at the MTC but there was something special about the spirit on fast Sunday. We had mission conference and one of the Mission presidency wives talked about the elements of a testimony and how it's not story time or a travel log but a expression of our belief in Jesus Christ, our Father in Heaven, and the Gospel thereof. For the Sunday devotional Jenny Oaks Baker came! She was incredible. I heard the CD that mom listens to live. I loved it. I was surprised that I was the only one in our district who knew who she was.But she was amazing and the spirit was so strong in her music. Her message was about spiritual gifts. It's funny to hear her quote her dad, Dallin H. Oaks.
The Days are like weeks and the weeks are like days. This is in a sense Spiritual Boot Camp. It's a full on Mental/Spiritual work out. Just like physical training, It's a constant process of being broken down only to gain more strength when built back up. If I didn't know my weaknesses before, I do now. And this is how it's supposed to be. I never expected it to be easy. But it is worth it and I love it all. I already feel like I have grown so much. I still have a ways but I am striving towards being my first convert. In 2 Nephi 12:5 Isaiah invites the house of Jacob to "come...and walk in the light of the Lord" and to come out of their wicked ways. I think it is important to heed this invitation. We shouldn't be upset that we are being corrected but blessed because we have a Father in Heaven who cares about us enough to send his servants to again invite us to repent and come unto him. Granted none of us are vile sinners but nobody is perfect and becoming converted is a lifelong process. That is why enduring to to the end is such a big deal.
I love you all. I am grateful for your love and support. I know this Gospel is true. God loves each and everyone of us. I know that my Savior Jesus Christ lives and loves us. I am an imperfect person but I am involved in a perfect work. Keep the faith and may peace be the Journey.
Ayo Ayo
Love Elder Ethan Lowe
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